Post-op Recommendations & Resources


Post Procedure Stretches

I feel that post-procedure stretches are key to getting an optimal result. These stretches are NOT meant to be forceful or prolonged. It’s best to be quick and precise with your movements.

The main risk of a frenectomy is that the mouth heals so quickly that it may prematurely reattach at either the tongue site or the lip site, causing a new limitation in mobility and the persistence or return of symptoms. The exercises are best done with the baby placed in your lap (or lying on a bed) with their feet away from you.

Your goal is to have the frenulum HEAL and RE-FORM as far back as possible.

Infant Frenectomy

What to Expect with your baby

Expect at least 48-72 hours of discomfort and fussiness.  This is due to using new muscles and soreness at the wound sites.  If you suspect there is discomfort, give Tylenol as directed on the package, Ibuprofen if over 6 months old or use Arnica as a natural alternative for all ages.  

Arnica tablets: Arnica 30C, 5-10 pellets in a 3oz dropper bottle. Fill with distilled water or breastmilk and dissolve/shake.  Every 60-90 minutes, 10 drops of that liquid orally. If fussier, can do every 30 min.

If eating solid foods, continue as normal.  Nursing strikes are uncommon but happen.  Typically, a nursing strike does not last for more than 12-24 hours.  Keep offering bottle or breast and make sure to manage pain.  Syringe feed as necessary and track diaper output for dehydration.

It is essential that you follow-up with your support provider after the procedure to ensure optimal results.  Symptoms often do not resolve immediately.  Additional resources for lactation support, bodywork and suck training are available if necessary.  Please do not hesitate to call with questions or refer to our website for more information.


Call our office for any of the following:

  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Refusal to nurse or take a    bottle
  • Fever > 101.5
Child & Adult frenectomy

What to Expect - young Children & adults

The revision site will be diamond shaped.  The goal of stretches is to keep that diamond open instead of it collapsing onto itself.  As the diamond heals it will get smaller and smaller until it is gone.  The deep fibrous tissue that is under the tongue can take up to 6 weeks to heal even though the superficial wound has healed.  The diamond will appear white as the scab forms, this is ok

Remember to stretch and move your tongue every 4-6 hours, yes even in the middle of the night.

  • Ibuprofen
  • Arnica 30C
  • Gentle warm salt water rinses 2-4 times a day (½ tsp salt with 8oz of warm water)
  • Nothing crunchy, pokey or spicy to eat for the next 3-5 days.
  • When using straws be careful not to poke the wound. 
  • Unlimited ice cream and popsicles are allowed. 

Your myofunctional or speech therapist can monitor your healing and adjust stretches as needed.  At anytime if you like the wound rechecked at our office please call the office for an appointment.  If travel is difficult, we can also offer an e-mail follow up.